◎ 符合CEF 架構,適合做為BULATS 劍橋博思職場英語檢測和BEC 劍橋商務英語認證準備用書。 ◎ 內容收錄職場中最常見話題,包含:Company profiles, Production and selling, Business travel, Business relationships,Finance, Human resources 等。 ◎
聽力練習選自真實情境並含括各國口音,書中的練習與活動皆模擬考試題型,因此能大幅提昇商用英語能力與應試能力。 ◎ 學生課本分為BULATS 版和BEC 版。BULATS 版隨書附一片CD-ROM 電腦考試光碟,讓使用者熟悉不同作答方式。
◎ Software Updates/fixes Website Business Benchmark is a Business English course for BEC
or BULATS and can also be used independently of these exams for general Business English courses. This course book provides advanced level students with business language and vocabulary, and
provides training and practice for the BULATS test, using real BULATS test tasks provided by Cambridge ESOL. It includes a CD-ROM with a full BULATS practice test from Cambridge ESOL.