Leaving their child with a paid respite care worker, friend, neighbor, or even an extended family member, represents a potentially stressful situation for parents of children with an autism
spectrum disorder (ASD). Many parents generally feel guilty about leaving their child, but the unique needs of children with ASD make it all the more difficult, as special provisions must be
made to ensure they are well taken care of in the parents��absence. Sharing Information About Your Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder--What Do Respite or Alternative Caregivers Need to
Know? has the answers for situations like this. This invaluable resource will help parents decide what information to share with substitute caregivers and how best to organize it so as to make
it easy to use and locate when needed. Such careful planning helps ensure that the child receives quality care, whether for a long or a short term.Sharing Information About Your Child with an
Autism Spectrum Disorder--What Do Respite or Alternative Caregivers Need to Know? provides the tools for respite workers to safely and reliably address your child�� needs during your absence.
Specific sections include blank forms to be completed, with lots of examples, generic information about the characteristics of ASD ready to share, and much more. A complimentary CD allow for
complete individualization of all pertinent information. The payoff for parents is that they will be able leave home with greater peace of mind.