Imagine that it is the year 2033 and Las Vegas has long been buried beneath the sands of the Nevada desert. How did this happen? The secret, you find, is locked within an electronic
scrapbook. This scrapbook, a hand-cranked slot machine, has been built piece by piece over the course of fifty lonely years by the quietest man who ever died in Vegas: the surly curator of
the deserted Motel Réal.
His secret lies in your hands and on your screen. You wander through fifty-two stories, inside fifty-two rooms, through fifty-two rumors that keep you in the peculiar presence of the Réal's
Las Vegas. The story unfolds through tabloid clippings, drawings scribbled on napkins and coded in electronic toys. How much you discover depends on how lightly you are willing to skim the
surface of every face and every word.
The Réal, Las Vegas, Nevada is an electronic artist's book featuring the writing of Mark C. Taylor and José Márquez, illustrated by Ralph Kelliher and José Márquez, and programmed by
Noah Peeters. A multimedia CD-ROM, The Réal runs on both Windows 95 and Macintosh OS platforms. It is published jointly by Williams College Museum of Art and Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art and distributed by the University of Chicago Press.
Minimum system requirements: Windows: 90mhz Pentium processor with Windows 95, 8MB of RAM, 3MB of free hard disk space, HiColor (16 bit) 640x480 size monitor, 2X CD-ROM drive.
MAC: Power Mac (or clone) running System 7.0.1, 8MB of RAM, 3MB of free hard disk space, monitor with 16 bit (thousands of colors) at 640x480 size, double speed CD-ROM drive.