
This volume documents the creation and restoration of the first house that Le Corbusier realized on his own. Built in 1912 for his parents, high above La Chaux-de-Fonds, the Villa Jenneret-Perret was soon nicknamed the Maison Blanche for its white plaster and bright Eternit roof. After standing empty for years it was purchased in May 2000 by the Association Maison Blanche, an association established for that purpose, which hired an interdisciplinary group to assist in this restoration project by the architect Pierre Minder. The young Le Corbusier's laboratory of ideas would become visible again when the house was stripped of later alterations, the furnishings were reconstructed, and last but not least the garden that had been disfigured around 1950 and then allowed to run rampant was returned to its state prior to 1919 - the year in which the Jeannerets had to sell the house. The viability of the individual tasks was carefully sorted out in an extensive feasibility study based on the conservation findings and archival studies. This material has now been brought together with all the discoveries made during the reconstruction process, new color photographs by Eveline Perroud, and precise survey and reconstruction plans, to form the basis for this monograph edited by Klaus Spechtenhauser and Arthur Ruegg.
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