Wash This Blood Clean from My Hand

Wash This Blood Clean from My Hand
NT $ 560







  In this remarkable addition to the Commissaire Adamsberg series, has a serial killer followed Adamsberg to Canada on his training mission?

  Between 1943 and 2003, nine people have been stabbed to death with a most unusual weapon: a trident. In each case, arrests were made, suspects confessed their crime and were sentenced to life. One slightly worrying detail: all the presumed murderers lost consciousness during the night of the crime and cannot remember whether they actually did it or not. Commissaire Adamsberg is convinced all the murders are the work of one person: the terrifying Judge Fulgence. Years before, Adamsberg’s own brother had been the principal suspect in a similar case and avoided prison only thanks to Adamsberg’s help. History now repeats itself when Adamsberg, who is temporarily based in Quebec for a training mission, is accused of having savagely murdered his young lover. In order to prove his innocence, Adamsberg must go on the run from the Canadian police and find Judge Fulgence. The heir to Maigret, Commissaire Adamsberg is back in a new investigation that will keep the reader spellbound until the very last word.

  ★本書原法文書名: Sous les vents de neptune


弗雷德.瓦格斯 Fred Vargas

  本名Frederique Audoin-Rouzeau,1957年生於法國巴黎,專長為研究中古世紀歷史與考古。著作屢屢獲獎,連續多年蟬聯法國十大暢銷小說作家,光是「亞當斯柏格探長系列」作品在法國就累積超過數百萬冊銷量,並已譯成數十種語言在全球出版發行。其筆下的偵探小說世界,最著重的就是:分析線索與發掘真相,這正與她在行的考古挖掘工作雷同──在表象之下,探索各個人物內心深處以及挖掘隱藏在各個事件背後的祕密。

  Fred Vargas was born in Paris in 1957. As well as being a bestselling author in France, she is by training an historian and archaeologist. She was the winner of the inaugural British Crime Writers’ Association Duncan Lawrie International Dagger for her novel The Three Evangelists.

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