Table of Contents Introduction Daniel sees a spirit child, an imaginary playmate.Reality of the creative power of the imagination. Chapter 1. Daniel Meets Peter Out of body experiences or
dreams? Chapter 2. Is There a God? Personal faith in a variety of deities.Chapter 3. Why Is There a Veil? Need for the separation of planes of awareness.Chapter 4. The Creative Essence The
energy field that creates "All that is." Chapter 5. Levels of Consciousness The many mansions or states of being in the spirit world.Chapter 6. Daniel and Steven Another guide appears to lead
Daniel to higher ground.Chapter 7. Workers on the Astral Level Help for souls in transition to and from spirit.Chapter 8. Daniel Is Discovered How spirit can influence a willing soul.Chapter 9.
The Group Meditation and psychic development in a group.Chapter 10. Development Contiues Daniel progresses to public speaking.Chapter 11. Daniel Develops Mediumship Clairvoyance and trance work
begin to emerge. Chapter 12. Life on the Astral Plane Thoughts manifested, and the power of loving your monsters.Chapter 13. The Web of Lives Group souls and soul mates.Chapter 14. Graduation
The reality of the world of work.Chapter 15. Daniel and Steven Go Public Trance work from the pulpit.Chapter 16. Steven Speaks to the Group Teachings direct from spirit.Chapter 17. Teachings
Continue How spirit people help the fearful and guilty.Chapter 18. The Work Continues The endless quest to bring love on earth.