A fascinating and eclectic compendium -- from beer's preeminent historian!
Did you know that...
The Mayflower abandoned its search for further destinations and landed in Plymouth because they had run out of beer?
Women in ancient Sumeria dominated the art of brewing and tavern keeping, operating under the protection of Siduri, goddess of the brewery?
Twenty people literally "drowned in beer" in 1814 when a vat in a London brewery exploded, creating a tidal wave of beer?
Alewives in Colonial America brewed a special high-test "groaning ale" for a mother-to-be to swig while she was in labor?
Beer has inspired, influenced, and excited human beings for thousands of years. Alan Eames has traveled the world uncovering the Secret Life Of Beer -- the untold stories, lore, and
references to beer in poetry, song, literature, and human history.