Borr獺s (innovation and governance, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and Lund U., Sweden) and Tsagdis (international business and research methods, Hull U. Business School, UK) present a
comparative study of cluster policies in Europe, focusing on the extent to which the dynamics of multi-level governance are responding to the problems and challenges faced by these collections
of firms, especially how governance supports learning processes in clusters and in governance itself. Footwear, clothing, furniture, film, automotive, and ICT industries are examined in
Germany, Italy, the UK, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Romania to detail their dynamics, including their origins and evolution, firm configurations and interactions, knowledge sources, labor
markets, levels of internationalization, and institutional and policy frameworks. The volume is intended for policy makers, advisors, and management consultants in Europe and other regions, as
well as students and scholars. It is a result of the authors' collaboration in part of a European research project, West-East Industrial Districts Relocation Processes: Identifying Policies in
the Perspective of EU Enlargement. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (