Sixteen academics from the US, Canada, and UK contribute 15 essays examining how and why written images of Elizabeth Tudor appeared so widely in manuscripts and printed texts during the century
following her death, and how those images were modified as the century progressed. Topics explored include quotations and misquotations of Elizabeth's own words; the Phoenix Queen and her
successor, James I; the rebirth of Elizabeth in her goddaughter, Elizabeth of Bohemia; forgetting Elizabeth in Henry VIII; the "heroic Elizabeth" vision of Dutch scholar Anna Maria van Schurman
and the Puritan poet Anne Bradstreet; John Banks' revision of Shakespeare's Elizabeth; an account of Elizabeth's last two years; a psychoanalytical reading of Jonson's early masques; rewriting
Elizabeth's execution of Mary Stuart; and 17th-century musical images of the Queen. For historians, literary scholars, musicologists, and women's studies scholars. Distributed in the U.S. by
Associated U. Presses. Annotation 穢2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (