Appreciative Inquiry and Knowledge Management: A Social Constructionist Perspective

Appreciative Inquiry and Knowledge Management: A Social Constructionist Perspective
NT $ 5,355


The hyper-competitive culture of many organizations creates a climate in which knowledge hoarding is more common than knowledge sharing. Thatchenkery (organizational learning, George Mason U.) and Chowdhry (Fannie Mae, Washington, D.C.) present a new model of interaction, Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge (ASK), to show how to turn this trend around by taking the best successes of an organization and building on them in a positive way while working within the existing culture of the organization. Following an historical overview of knowledge sharing and an examination of appreciation and its generative potential, the authors describe a practical, systematic way of initiating and completing an ASK initiative for any organization, and then present detailed case studies of five organizations where the ASK approach was used. For academics and practitioners in knowledge management and organizational behavior and development, managers and executives. Annotation 穢2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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