Dike Blair is part of a tradition of artists who also write. From an early point in his career Blair has worked on parallel paths, with his writing both reflecting and influencing
his artistic production. His paintings and sculptures celebrate momentary conditions of light and the skewed formalism of retail displays. Yet in his writing, the restraint he deploys in
his art explodes into a voracious appetite for the complex interrelations between creative work and commercial culture.
Again is a fascinating tour through the breadth of Blair’s interests, with essays on a variety of contemporary artists, such as Richard Prince and John McCracken, as well as
interviews with sci-fi authors, movie special effects teams, and industrial designers. Blair ventures far beyond the usual contours of the art world, introducing readers to retail
anthropologist Paco Underhill, robotics scientist Hans Moravec, and furniture designer Xavier Lust as well as acquainting us with the Minneapolis Skyway and the Akari floor lamp.
Accessible to experts and laypeople alike, Again is the product of an inquisitive thinker examining his interests and influences from a number of angles and making inspired
connections between them.