The discipline of landscape architecture encompasses many typologies, from domestic gardens and neighborhood playgrounds to urban designs and state parks. Most critical studies of the
discipline tend to approach it from a historical or contemporary perspective organized around criteria such as built versus unbuilt, urban versus peripheral, or competition-sponsored versus
commission-based. Very few analyses have been undertaken from the seemingly obvious jumping-off point of size. In
Large Parks, Julia Czerniak and George Hargreaves present eight essays
by leading scholars and practitioners that engage large urban parks in depth as complex cultural spaces, where key issues of landscape discourse, ecological challenges, social history, urban
relations, and place-making are writ large.
From historic parks such as New York's Central Park and Paris's Bois de Boulogne to contemporary projects such as Toronto's Downsview Park and Staten Island's Fresh Kills, to newly unveiled
and yet-to-be-built projects such as Ken Smith's ambitious plans for the Orange County Great Park, Large Parks highlights the complexities and unique considerations that go into
designing these massive and culturally significant works.