Tersias the Oracle

Tersias the Oracle
NT $ 315
  • 作者:G. P.Taylor
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2007-05-17
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0142408468
  • ISBN13:9780142408469
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 262頁 / 14 x 21 x 1.9 cm / 普通級






  London is in the aftermath of a near-apocalypse—a comet has just missed earth, leaving the city in chaos. in this time of uncertainty, only the blind boy oracle, tersias, can see what the future holds. but awareness of his power is growing, and he is captured by solomon, a false prophet whose minions swarm london. An unlikely alliance of teenage highwaymen and a charlatan magician swear to break down solomon’s Citadel and rescue tersias from the false prophet’s clutches. they wonder if tersias’s power can save them all. but they haven’t realized the source of his second sight, and they aren’t aware of a much darker force that torments his soul. . . .



G. P. 泰勒

  住在酷寒的北約克夏沼澤地裡一座中世紀城堡的陰暗處,俯瞰冰冷的日耳曼海。他將大部分的人生花費在尋找恆久不變的真理,窮其一生都在探索宇宙間隱藏的秘密。他教授超自然現象及民俗傳說,住在僻靜的墓地。最後終於相信他已經找到自己為何居住在這星球上的叢爾之地的原因。空閒的時候他喜歡觀星以及上艾薇餐廳用餐。如果有人膽敢和他連絡,可以透過[email protected]找到他。

  G. P. Taylor is the author of New York Times bestsellers Shadowmancer and Wormwood. He lives in England.

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