ToddlersA' first four board books will introduce children to four different aspects of early learning: the first words babies recognize, the idea of counting, fascinating wheeled vehicles, and
mother animals with their babies. An appealing, simply rendered, brightly colored illustration on each page of every book comes with a word or simple phrase that names the pictured person,
animal, or object. First Words presents pictures and the words dog, cat, bed, and other familiar things designated by single-syllable words. Counting starts with A"1 birthday
boyA" and progresses through numbers to end with A"10 toes.A" Things That Go shows and names a car, a bus, a train, and seven other vehicles that toddlers always delight in seeing.
Mommies and Babies shows and names a mommy dog and her puppy, a mommy bear and her cubs, and eight more mother animals with offspring. All ten pages of each book are thick and sturdy,
and have rounded edges for safety. The four books come nested inside a brightly illustrated box.