When it comes to boyfriends, there’s a fine line between quirks and severe personality disorders. Is he a pedophile or is he simply good with kids?
How to Tell If Your Boyfriend Is the
Antichrist teaches women to identify the warning signs associated with a spectrum of Mr. Wrongs, including:
Cult leaders (’Does he have a problem with authority?’)
Insufferable bores (’Does his dog wear a bandanna?’)
Steroid addicts (’Do you admire his cleavage?’)
Narcoleptics (’Is his face often soiled?’)
Trekkies (’Does he lapse into Klingon during orgasm?’)
Best of all, this irreverent illustrated ’guide’ advises whether it’s best to hang onto these guys or to quickly and safely dump them. How to Tell If Your Boyfriend Is the Antichrist
is a hilarious reference (and a super gift) for single girls with a sense of humor.