Anyone can be a super hero—it’s not necessary to come from a faraway planet or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but simply to find that special touch of Superman within
ourselves. Even more important than his superpowers, the Man of Steel stands for those very human virtues we most admire: honesty, integrity, loyalty, selflessness, friendship. This
unique, humorous, and enlightening Magnetic Wisdom™ kit explains why the character still draws crowds after so many years, and how we can adopt his best qualities—no phone booth
required for the change! The discussion encompasses everything from Clark’s childhood in Smallville, Kansas to his double life in Metropolis, and fans of all ages will embrace this
collection, which includes 16 magnets that showcase classic DC Comics Superman covers.
Superman, the DC Logo, and all related names, characters and elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2007. All Rights Reserved.