This latest volume in the The New Classicists series features the work of renowned architect Marc Appleton and his Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, firm, Appleton & Associates, which has
established a reputation for designing some of the country's most beautiful residences. Unlike many architects who strive to attract media attention by creating 'signature' designs that make
instant headlines, Appleton and his firm prefer that their houses retain a certain understated sophistication, and as a result, design homes that look like they have evolved from the landscape
rather than intrude upon it.
Appleton & Associates Architects features a selection of projects by the firm, including a working olive ranch in California, a grand estate in Los Angeles inspired by a Renaissance
Tuscan-style villa, a quintessential 'Hollywood' house that includes a glamorous pool pavilion and of course a superb staircase to make the all-important entrance, and a writer's pavilion in
Connecticut that would charm any writer.