



  ◎ 有禮貌的話要怎麼說
  ◎ 哪些是粗魯的話
  ◎ 怎麼打呵欠
  ◎ 怎麼打嗝
  ◎ 在百貨公司裡的禮貌
  ◎ 在電影院的禮貌
  ◎ 餐桌禮儀
  ◎ 待客之道

  Kids today need manners more than ever, and Dude, That’s Rude! makes it fun and easy to get some. Full-color cartoons and kid-friendly text teach the basics of polite behavior in all kinds of situations—at home, at school, in the bathroom, on the phone, at the mall, and more. Kids learn Power Words to use and P.U. Words to avoid, why their family deserves their best manners, and the essentials of e-tiquette (politeness online). It seems like light reading, but it’s serious stuff: Manners are major social skills, and this book gives kids a great start.



伊莉莎白.佛迪克(Elizabeth Verdick)


  Elizabeth Verdick is a children's book writer and editor.  She lives in Minnesota with her husband and their two children.

潘蜜拉.艾斯佩藍(Pamela Espeland)


  Pamela Espeland has authored, coauthored, or edited over 200 books for Free Spirit Publishing on a variety of subjects. Pamela graduated from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband, John Whiting, and two little dogs.

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