STORY SYNOPSIS: Even three of the king�� roughest henchman began losing their nerve as they descended into the dark catacombs of a long-forsaken, earthquake-ruined burial site in Chaon Gacca.
Their assignment, to recover the remains of an ancient king, was detestable enough. However, nothing could compare to the horrific sights and sounds....of the weaver! ��OTHIQUE��SERIES
SYNOPSIS: Zothique is earth�� last continent in the very distant future when the sun has grown dim, the world has grown old, and the remorseless seas have overwhelmed all other continents. The
sciences have been forgotten as the shadowy arts of sorcery and magic have been reborn. The result: a dark world of older mystery where luxurious kings and wandering heroes venture across dim
landscapes, pitting their strength and wisdom against powerful wizards, necromancers, and alien gods, all under a dying sun.