Teach Yourself Personal Safety And Self Defence
- 作者:Robert G.,Ross
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2007-05-07
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0071484639
- ISBN13:9780071484633
- 裝訂:平裝 / 12.7 x 20.3 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
Protect yourself from an attacker with these easy-to-learn techniques
From managing a bully to coping with an attacker, Teach Yourself Personal Safety and Self-Defence outfits you with easy-to-learn-and-deploy techniques that will keep you safe from aggressors in any public or private venue. Self-defense coach and jujitsu master Robert Ross schools you in how to spot danger before it happens and resolve conflict peacefully, as well as dozens of surefire moves against punches, kicks, grabs, chokes, snatches, garroting, and more.
Table of contents
Introduction / What is self defence? / Fighting forms / Sport or survival / Are they any good? / Assertiveness and conflict management / Effects of aggression / Becoming more assertive / Managing a conflict / Dealing with a bully / The Law and You / Considering the options / The legal position / Being safe and secure / Home security / Alarm, detection devices, lights, locks, door chains, floor safes, keys / Personal safety / In public places / In your car / Telephone safety, landline and mobiles / Computers and identify theft / Handbags and rucksacks / Babysitters and neighbours / Callers and tradesmen / Strangers and exhibitionists / Physical protocols / The Golden Rules / Defence to a strangulation from the front / Defence to a strangulation from the Rear / Escape from held by two hands / Bear hugs front and rear / Grabbed by the throat / Grabbed by the wrists / Choke from the rear / Head chancery / Defence to hair pulls from the front / Defence to hair pulls from the rear / Defence to garrotting with a ligature / Head chancery / Defence to attacks while you are lying on the ground / Defence to a Ground Strangle / Action against someone kicking you in the head and body / Taking it further / Appendices / Index