Playing the guitar is a pastime enjoyed by millions of people all across the
world. Learning guitar chords can be a daunting task, but, with this book, it
has never been easier or more fun. Essential Guitar Chords is an easily
accessible guide for all guitar players and songwriters. For everyone—from
those learning to play to experienced guitarists who want to brush up or
improve—this exciting book is an ideal companion.
Essential Guitar Chords features all the basic major and minor chords from
A–G which are used in a wide variety of music, including rock, pop, folk, and
classical. In some cases alternative fingerings are also given, so players can
choose the most comfortable position to suit their individual playing style.
Essential Guitar Chords is packed with 100 chords, each accompanied by a
live-action photograph, a colorful diagram, and detailed instructions explaining exact finger placement on the strings and frets. This guide makes it simple to learn—or improve upon—a
repertoire of guitar chords. With these easy-to-understand pictures and clear instructions, anyone can become a
great guitarist in no time at all!