Marlon Griffith: Symbols of Endurance
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Tapestry Production, Restoration and Conservation: 125 Years of De Wit-royal Manufacturers of Tapestry
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Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Chipps Smith
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Hans Khevenhüller at the Court of Philip II of Spain: Diplomacy & Consumerism in a Global Empire
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Kiki Smith
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Rauschenberg: The Complete Posters
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Pedro Reyes: Ad Usum / to Be Used
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Hans Burgkmair and the Visual Translation of Knowledge in the German Renaissance
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Jessica Stockholder
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Ideology and the Arts in the Soviet Union: The Establishment of Censorship and Control
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Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous - Discovery File 143/76
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Elyn Zimmerman: Sculpture
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Life Is Work: Kaneto Shindo and the Art of Directing, Screenwriting, and Living 100 Years Without Regrets
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Birth of a Monarch: Selections from Fuiwara No Munetada’s Journal Chuyuki
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Suspended License: Censorship and the Visual Arts
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Forms Come Alive
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The Tuscany of Our Dreams: Mussolini to Agritourism
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Thai Buddhist Art: Discover Thai Art
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Van Eyck: The Complete Work