Resurrection of Liberty is a classic epic adventure story based in some of the most popular traditions of science fiction, touching upon space opera and science fantasy. Written to be
young-adult friendly the novel has mainstream appeal, yet grabs the reader and takes them on a out of this world odyssey that only this genre can facilitate. In Resurrection of Liberty Daniel
Foster discovers a family secret-a secret that will send ripples across Earth and the entire galaxy. While on a trip to the lake with his two closest friends, his grandfather's old car
transforms from a common form of terran transportation to an advanced spacecraft that rockets the three friends toward a cloaked starship hidden behind the moon for over a generation. This
ship, the Liberty, was once captained by Daniel's grandfather.In their quest to return home the three friends plunge deeper into space, ultimately meeting the race that sent Daniel's
grandfather to Earth on a critical mission decades before. Yet they learn by awakening the old ship, they have only hastened the destruction of their own home. Now, far away from his family,
Daniel must accept his destiny and dig deep inside himself to muster the confidence needed to rally his new alien friends to help save Earth-and ultimately the galaxy.