This pug can certainly strike a pose. With an unmatched talent for scenery chewing and a mug that can only be described as fetching, actress-model-pooch Charlie vogues her way through the warp
and woof of history in this enchanting book of photos by Atlanta-based designer Lisa Knapp.
There's no role-male or female, world leader or screen goddess-that's too daunting for Charlie (and no costume that she's unwilling to squeeze her plus-size figure into). Wrapped in a toga,
she's a formidable Julius Pugustus Caesar. As Attila the Pug, she proves herself equally comfy in barbarian togs. As an animal skin-attired Cave Woman, she's savage. As a pillbox-hatted Jackie,
she's the very image of sophistication. And when Charlie doffs it all as a platinum-tressed Lady Godiva, she sizzles. Napoleon Bonapug, Mao Tse-Pug, and bling-bedecked gangsta rapper Notorious
P.U.G. are among her many other hilarious incarnations. Charlie's wardrobe-expertly researched and tailored by author and proud "pug parent" Knapp-is remarkable for the costumes' meticulous
detail and historical accuracy. Fabulous Pugs will captivate fashionistas, amuse history buffs, and delight all the pug-lovers among us (and who isn't one, really?). This pug can
certainly strike a pose. With an unmatched talent for scenery chewing and a mug that can only be described as fetching, actress-model-pooch Charlie vogues her way through the warp and woof of
history in this enchanting book of photos by Atlanta-based designer Lisa Knapp.
There's no role-male or female, world leader or screen goddess-that's too daunting for Charlie (and no costume that she's unwilling to squeeze her plus-size figure into). Wrapped in a toga,
she's a formidable Julius Pugustus Caesar. As Attila the Pug, she proves herself equally comfy in barbarian togs. As an animal skin-attired Cave Woman, she's savage. As a pillbox-hatted Jackie,
she's the very image of sophistication. And when Charlie doffs it all as a platinum-tressed Lady Godiva, she sizzles. Napoleon Bonapug, Mao Tse-Pug, and bling-bedecked gangsta rapper Notorious
P.U.G. are among her many other hilarious incarnations. Charlie's wardrobe-expertly researched and tailored by author and proud "pug parent" Knapp-is remarkable for the costumes' meticulous
detail and historical accuracy. Fabulous Pugs will captivate fashionistas, amuse history buffs, and delight all the pug-lovers among us (and who isn't one, really?).