I Am the Law: The Judge Dredd Omnibus
- 作者:David (EDT)/ Jowett,Gordon/ Bishop,Peter,Rennie,Simon/ Evans
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2006-11-14
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1844164128
- ISBN13:9781844164127
- 裝訂:平裝 / 768頁 / 5.1 x 13.3 x 20.3 cm / 普通級
A collection of Black Flame's first three Judge Dredd novels. In Dredd Vs Death, Judge Dredd finds himself up against a plague spreading through Mega-City One, and teams up with Judge Anderson and ex-Judge DeMarco to investigate a trail of carnage by the Death Cult. Bad Moon Rising sees Dredd up against human xenophobes set on destroying an alien ghetto. In Black Atlantic, Dredd must stop a bio-weapon that is progammed to destroy everything in its path.
A collection of Black Flame's first three Judge Dredd novels. In Dredd Vs Death, Judge Dredd finds himself up against a plague spreading through Mega-City One, and teams up with Judge Anderson and ex-Judge DeMarco to investigate a trail of carnage by the Death Cult. Bad Moon Rising sees Dredd up against human xenophobes set on destroying an alien ghetto. In Black Atlantic, Dredd must stop a bio-weapon that is progammed to destroy everything in its path.