Women Writing Women: An Anthology of Spanish-American Theater of the 1980s

Women Writing Women: An Anthology of Spanish-American Theater of the 1980s
NT $ 2,723


'Translations of eight plays by acclaimed women playwrights: Isidora Aguirre (Chile), Sabina Berman (Mexico), Myrna Casas (Puerto Rico), Teresa Marichal (Puerto Rico), Diana Raznovich (Argentina), Mariela Romero (Venezuela), Beatriz Seibel (Argentina), and Maruxa Vilalta (Mexico). Introductory essay and bio-bibliographical notes on each author offer ample contextualization supplemented by a useful bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Lively translations by editors and Kirsten Nigro produce stageworthy scripts. Outstanding collection highly recommended for classroom and dramatic use'--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.http://www.loc.gov/hlas/
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