"Teaching an infant or toddler to swim is not only a matter of safety, but also a great way to stimulate the child's physical coordination, concentration, and intelligence. That's right. By
teaching your baby the proper swimming techniques, you can actually enhance his or her learning ability. You will also make your child happier, healthier, and more self-confident. Based on the
revolutionary learning principles developed at The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, How To Teach Your Baby To Swim is a clear and easy-to-follow guide to teaching your child
swimming basics. With over 160 photographs, this book presents detailed instructions on all the core skills necessary to swim properly, including breath control, kicking, and submersion. All of
these skills come together as you teach your baby to dive, float, and swim--both on and under the water. The book also offers illustrated exercises for you and your child to follow and enjoy. "