In a future period known as Reincarnation Times, existence technology has been developed that allows humans to reincarnate after death—and retain full waking awareness of
their past lives. With this life everlasting, people begin to feel immortal and no longer consider death to be part of their existence. Cosine Chan, a law-enforcement agent—who has
spent her life fighting hyperviolent vandals, thieves, and perjurers—finds herself thrust into investigating a mysterious anarchist known only as Limacon Lambert who is plotting to
pollute the consciousness pools of mankind. She soon learns that he is affiliated with a rebel cult that intends to end reincarnation and restore the natural order of the
universe. Bravely facing many adversaries and strange alterations of consciousness, Cosine learns that immortality is not the blessing it seems to be, that death is
not always a curse, and that it's preferable to live a heroic life than an eternal one.