Missing Peace: Artists & the Dalai Lama

Missing Peace: Artists & the Dalai Lama
NT $ 1,400


Exploring the many facets of our common longing for peace, The Missing Peace showcases contemporary art that celebrates and incorporates the spirit of the Dalai Lama. As the artists interpret the Dalai Lama's life, each in his or her own way, each unique work is a meditation; an opportunity to contemplate the values of kindness, patience, courage, nonviolence, responsibility, and restraint. These extraordinary images from around the world demonstrate that no matter how difficult the road to peace may seem, we have the capacity to travel it with creativity, wisdom, and compassion. The Missing Peace is both a traveling exhibition; featuring the work of Richard Avedon, Laurie Anderson, Sabastiao Salgado, Christo, Jenny Holzer, and this magnificent art book, with additional contributions from Robert Thurman, Orville Schell, Arun Gandhi, Pico Iyer, and Julia Butterfly Hill.
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