Collectors are bound to love The Encyclopedia of Early American and Antique Sewing Machines, Third Edition. This brand new third edition now contains 100 new detailed photographs, bringing the
total to almost 600. Most are in color, with a large number of machines that have not appeared before. Prices, text, and rarity indicators have been updated. The material on vintage sewing
machines has been greatly expanded, and a new appendix with a selection of photos of vintage machines has been added. The book traces the history and development of the sewing machine industry
from 1800 to after 1900. Almost all known U.S. manufacturers of sewing machines up to 1875 (and several beyond) are highlighted: Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Shaw & Clark, Weed, Howe, and
Holly, to name just a few. Do you own your great aunt's antique treadle sewing machine? This book will identify and give the history of the manufacturer. Specific information is provided on
restoring antique sewing machines, and toy sewing machines are also given coverage. This title is the standard reference for early American sewing machines.