
  The twenty North American and European contributors to this volume are recognized scholars whose specialties reflect those of the honoree. Many of the contributions tackle problems concerning manuscripts, texts, and books; others are literary, theoretical, and interpretive in nature; topics range from medieval and Renaissance epic and love poetry to spiritual, travel and chivalric literature, as well as balladry and pliegos sueltos. The topics, authors, and literary works analyzed include Lope Garcia de Salazar, the spiritual journey to Jerusalem in 15th and 16th Spanish literature, Fernan Velho's poetry, the ecdotical history of the sonnet 'Perdido ando, senora, entre la gente', Antonio de Espinosa's spiritual texts, Mendes Pinto's Peregrinaco, the Orto do Esposo, the 'deffincoes' of Calatrava, Damio de Gois' De senectute, the Catalan incunabula held at Ferdinan Columbus' library, the 'Condesa traidora' legend in the Portuguese oral tradition, the figures of king Rodrigo and Guillaume d'Orange, the Tratado del menosprecio del mundo, the lover's constancy in the cantigas de amor, the lives of Luis de Cames and Ferno Mendes Pinto, the annotations in a copy of Nicolas Antonio's Bibliotheca Hispana, 'Valdovinos sorprendido en la caza' and the Chanson des Saxons, the Leal Conselheiro, and the Tablante de Ricamonte literary tradition.

  Martha E. Schaffer is an Associate Professor at the University of San Francisco; Antonio Cortijo Ocana is a Professor at the University of California.

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