This first English-language guide to the Saharan country of Niger spans the densely populated regions of the south--a colorful melting pot of cultures--and the hostile desert landscape of the
north--featuring some of the most stunning sand dunes in Africa. Transport options for travelers are a particular feature of the guide--including long-distance connections to neighboring
countries, river trips on the River Niger and camel trekking in the Massif de A簿聶翻r and T簿聶翻n簿聶翻r簿聶翻 desert regions, home to the nomadic Tuareg people. As more independent travelers are
finding their way to Niger, this guide will focus on both ends of the market: the upmarket traveler looking for background information and the budget traveler with a need to know all the
Features include:
> Full range of travel and accommodation options
> Present-day peoples and ethnic groups, including the Hausa, the Peul, and the Tuareg, including vocabulary and phrases
> Niger culture and religion
> Wildlife and ecosystems