What better way is there to keep the Word of God at your fingertips throughout the day, every day, but by carrying it with you at all times? To help you do just that, a loose-leaf format of
the New & Old Testaments in the New Living Translation (NLT) is available to you. By pulling out several chapters of Scripture and putting them into your Believer's Life System, you can
easily study God's Word in any location.The New Living Translation (NLT) incorporates the latest biblical scholarship through the work of ninety world-class Bible scholars. The NLT translates
the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew texts, rather than substituting English words for Greek or Hebrew words. The result is a Bible that provides a wonderful balance of readability and
accuracy. Passages that once seemed difficult and foggy will be crystal clear. You'll feel as if they were written just for you, in this situation, at this moment.