In studies of the development of modernity, Spain is usually brushed aside, if it is considered at all. Iarocci (Spanish, U. of California-Berkeley) examines the reasons why and simultaneously
develops a new model for modernity based on concepts of Spanish romantic writing and notions about empire and colonialism. Focusing on what he calls "presentism," and the power of information
and its timing within that eternal present, he examines the power of representational imagery as he describes the end of Spanish hegemony as not only a factor in Spain's loss of political
influence but also in its loss of control of its own image. He believes Spain was already on the periphery of how Europe represented itself by the time the majority of its romantics began to
write, freeing this post-hegemony culture to define the modern by the new romantic tradition. Annotation 穢2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (