The River Thames has played a crucial role in the emergence of London as a great international city and the hub of Britain's Empire. Now, for the first time, London's Waterfront provides a
detailed and architectural panorama of the buildings that line the banks of the Thames and give the city its compelling personality. The book begins in Chelsea then follows the north bank past
Westminster and its majestic seat of government, through the City and on past the Isle of Dogs and its transformation from medieval port to one of the world's leading financial centres. At the
architecturally stunning Thames Flood Barrier we return upstream along the south bank, past the controversial Millennium Dome, through Greenwich and its stately naval college, to Southwark and
the reconstructed Globe Theatre, past the South Bank arts complex and the unique London Eye, ending up in the village of Battersea. With over 250 pages of detailed drawings and historical
background, London's Waterfront is a continuous and colourful panorama along the banks of the Thames, taking the reader on an enchanting and informative 25 mile journey of discovery.