Reuniones Que Matan/death by Meetings

Reuniones Que Matan/death by Meetings
NT $ 593
  • 作者:LencioniPatrick
  • 出版社:Spanish Pubs Llc
  • 出版日期:2004-06-30
  • 語言:西班牙文
  • ISBN10:8495787628
  • ISBN13:9788495787620
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14 x 21.6 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


A business fable by the best-selling author of Five Dysfunctions of a Team combines fictional narrative, modeling, and practical suggestions on how to render meetings productive and compelling, sharing the story of a failing executive whose job is dependent on his ability to improve meeting quality.
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