Thirteen-year-old Dennis knows fear. Its name is Russell Folmer, and it lives just down the street. Den manages to avoid the dangerous Russell until Jay, a tornado with sticky-up hair, moves
in.right next door. Sharing an interest in model airplanes, the two boys become friends in spite of their differences. Jay, however, is simply not content to hide like a mole in a hole and
drags Den out of his backyard and into a world of mischief and mishaps. From homemade bombs (created from the only product a dog manufactures) to talking parrots, Den and Jay stuff a lifetime's
worth of adventures into their seventh grade year.Unfortunately for Russell - or perhaps for Den and Jay - every misdeed by the two friends lands squarely on Russell's head (not unlike those
homemade bombs). When Russell's not paying for "his crimes", he's in hot pursuit of his teenage tormentors. At last, with Russell closing in and the boys running out of escape routes, the
unseen cosmic forces that guide our lives seem to take command and dictate a final confrontation in which Den and Jay are required to face not only their fear - - but the eye-popping ending
that comes with Russell's Revenge.