
THE COMPANION volumes to this new collection — Poem a Day: Volume 1 and Poem a Day: Volume 2 — have together sold nearly a hundred thousand copies. They are a word-of-mouth sensation among those who want poetry to be a greater presence in their lives, and perennial gift-giving favorites. Like its predecessors, Poem a Day: Volume 3 offers a verse for each day of the year (including February 29) along with brief, often amusing, always interesting anecdotes about the poets and their poems. The original Poem a Day was the brainchild of Englishman Nicholas Albery, a colorful and charismatic figure whose interests ranged from social inventions to a greener environment. He had already commenced work on this volume when he died tragically in a car crash. A foundation was created in his memory, and his friends and colleagues at the Nicholas Albery Foundation completed the work.
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