This gripping tale follows the life of Jens Pulver, the current lightweight Ultimate Fighting Champion. Pulver reveals a youth spent in a family in which violence was the only way to deal
with conflict, and in which his father's alcoholism made all family relationships contentious. Set against Pulver’s tumultuous upbringing, this account offers insight into his rise to
prominence in the ring and his drive to overcome adversity and find inner peace.
Close Encounters with the Gloves Off: Boxing’s Greats Recall the Inside Stories of Their Biggest Fights
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Shadowboxing: The Rise and Fall of George Dixon
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Ali: The Greatest; Trivia, Facts and Quotes
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Gladiatori Moderni
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Muhammad Ali: The Greatest Coloring Book of All Time
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I Am Duran: My Autobiography
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Marvelous: The Marvin Hagler Story
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Drama in the Bahamas: Muhammad Ali’s Last Fight
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Running With the Champ: My Forty-Year Friendship With Muhammad Ali
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The Fight
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Mike Tyson: 1981-1991
$1,400 -
There Will Always Be Boxing: Another Year Inside the Sweet Science
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The Murder of Sonny Liston: Las Vegas, Heroin, and Heavyweights
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Stand Tall: Fighting for My Life, Inside and Outside the Ring
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The Golden Age of Boxing on Radio and Television: A Blow-by-Blow History from 1921 to 1964
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The Fighting Frenchman: Minnesota’s Boxing Legend Scott Ledoux
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Approaching Ali: A Reclamation in Three Acts
$558 -
A Hard World: An Inside Look at Another Year in Boxing
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Dangerous: An Intimate Journey into the Heart of Boxing
$523 -
The Domino Diaries: My Decade Boxing With Olympic Champions and Chasing Hemingway’s Ghost in the Last Days of Castro’s Cuba