Overcoming Teenage Anxiety, Stress and Panic
$1,798 -
History of Modern Psychology
$6,334 -
Eye Movements and Information Processing During Reading: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
$2,473 -
Therapeutic Assessment: Using Psychological Testing to Help Clients Change
$4,275 -
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: A Practical Guide
$2,023 -
Born Believers: The Science of Children’s Religious Belief
$525 -
Theories of Autism
$1,303 -
Play to Talk, Talk to Play
$698 -
Adventures in Aspergers’
$1,303 -
Investigating Implicit and Explicit Language Learning
$2,248 -
Executive Function: Lessons from Typical and Atypical Development and Insights Regarding the Role of Prefrontal Cortex
$2,833 -
Readings on Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
$1,500 -
Practical Aspects of Interview and Interrogation
$3,598 -
Forensic Psychiatry: Fundamentals and Clinical Practice
$8,998 -
Investigating Implicit and Explicit Language Learning
$6,975 -
Statistical Learning: Sensitivity to Sequential Structure Across Cognition
$1,123 -
Neuroscience, Psychotherapy and Clinical Pragmatism
$7,200 -
The Skeleton Cupboard: The Making of a Clinical Psychologist
$560 -
Psychotherapy As Love: Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Approaches
$7,200 -
Mentoring: The Tao of Giving and Receiving Wisdom