Monster Dot-To-Dot

Monster Dot-To-Dot
NT $ 208


Uncover dozens of weird and ghoulish creatures by connecting the dots. You're in for chills and thrills when Quasimodo, The Headless Horseman, Moby Dick, and many more trolls, animals, and beasts begin to emerge from the outlines. Along with the deliciously spine-tingling images, you'll find out how to pronounce the name of every one, how big or small it was, what it ate, where and when it lived, what special powers it had, and other interesting information. Meet the Gollum, a small slimy creature who lived on an island of rock in the middle of a black lake in a dark Goblin cave; he favors blind fish for his meals. The 20-foot-long Dragon of Ishtar has a scaly body and tail, the speed of a cat, and the slipperiness of a snake. Plus: Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and more in a too-scary-to-be true collection!
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