Owls Hoot in the Daytime & Other Omens is the 5th and final volume of Night Shade Books' five volume "Selected Stories of Manly Wade Wellman." This volume contains all of the John the
Balladeer stories (sometimes better known as Silver John), Manly's most famous character. Contents: * Introduction by Karl Edward Wagner * O Ugly Bird! * The Desrick on Yandro * Vandy, Vandy *
One Other * Call Me From the Valley * The Little Black Train * Shiver in the Pines * Walk Like A Mountain * On the Hills and Everywhere * Old Devlins Was A-Waiting * Nine Yards of Other Cloth *
Wonder As I Wander * Farther Down the Trail * Trill Coster's Burden * The Spring * Owls Hoot in the Daytime * Can These Bones Live? * Nobody Ever Goes There * Where Did She Wander? * Afterword
by Gerald W. Page