Morihei Ueshiba (18831969), founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido, is one of the greatest and most beloved martial artists in history. Remembering O-Sensei is a portrait of
Ueshiba as told by his uchi-deshi, the students who lived and trained with him as his disciples. This collection of memories—gathered here for the first time—captures the essence of this
extraordinary martial arts master and visionary, revealing Ueshiba's teaching style, his daily habits, his philosophy of life, the lovably human aspects of his personality, and his deep belief
that Aikido could be used as a means to creating peace and harmony in the world. The book also provides a snapshot of a fascinating time in Japanese history when a student would apprentice with
his master by essentially moving in with him and receiving instruction through rigorous training sessions, and also by serving him and observing his actions in daily life. Most of the students
whose remembrances are included in this book went on to spread the teaching of Aikido throughout the world and became masters in their own right.