The craft of knitting continues to thrive, both as a way to produce unique, stylish, handcrafted garments, and as a practice of meditative solace in a stressful world. This lively,
comprehensive book for the growing population of contemporary knitters is an invaluable guide to fiber quality, texture, color, and pattern resources. It provides a complete global overview,
from the politics of knitting as economic opportunity in undeveloped areas to the communal pleasures of Internet knitting circles to the inspiring beauty of ethnic motif in mittens, scarves,
socks, and other items. Lisa Myers profiles influential designers, celebrates the joys of knitting in solitude and the tactile pleaures of yarn, and provides patterns for projects including a
Log Cabin Pillow, an "intellectually challenging" three-dimensional hat, a Mobius scarf, and even a Palm Pilot cover. Lisa Myers holds a Ph.D. in English literature and is the
proprietor of Sophie's Yarns in Philadelphia.