From purple mountains' majesty to the grasslands and deserts, America the beautiful appears in all its' unequalled splendor.
Breathtaking peaks of the Rockies; magnificent coastlines and untamed forests; wetlands, rivers, deserts, and prairies: the recognized master of landscape and nature photography David Muench
has captured it all, in nearly 200 full-color photographs of unspoiled American wilderness. The images display our grandest borders, the soundless expanse, and all the awe-inspiring bounty of
this land. View an approaching storm over the White Sands Natural Monument, New Mexico; cypress and tupelo in North Carolina; dune grass with seastacks in Cape Sebastian, Oregon; and the
bright autumn foliage of New Hampshire's White Mountains. T.H. Watkins, one of the nation's finest natural history writers, adds his superb narration to the photos, completing the perfect
portrait of our great American landscape.