First aid should be part of every rider's basic knowledge. Equine specialist veterinarian Anke R�sb�ldt provides handy tips on what to do in an emergency, and how you can make the best use of
time while waiting for the vet.
This book shows how to assess various situations correctly and how to react carefully and skillfully to each one--to do what's necessary in each individual case, and to leave out what's not
necessary. There are step-by-step instructions on:
• how to avoid emergencies
• bandaging
• wounds
• fractures
• changes in the stomach and intestinal tracts
In addition, there are special sections on specific first-aid treatments for azoturia (tying up), laminitis, tetanus, shock, heatstroke, urticaria (hives), foaling, and burns.
First Aid for My Horse is an excellent primer and resource for learning how to avoid emergency situations, and what to do when one arises.