Cuba: A History in Art

Cuba: A History in Art
NT $ 873


Richly illustrated in full color, this volume is the first to present many of the most important Cuban paintings in the collection of The Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach—called the “best of its kind” by Miami El Herald editor Roberto Fabricio. It contains the work of 30 Cuban artists and includes an essay on each artist and painting that provides an aesthetic, historical, social, and cultural overview. Of particular interest to Cuban art aficionados are essays by art historians Gary Libby and Juan Martinez, who discuss the rise of a Cuban style, its flowering in the Republican Period from 1902 to 1959, and the convergence of forces that made Havana a center of New World modernism in the early 20th century. Gary Libby also discusses the development of photography as an instrument of commerce and art.

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