The Dante Club
- 作者:Matthew,Pearl
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2006-06-27
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:034549038X
- ISBN13:9780345490384
- 裝訂:平裝 / 10.2 x 17.8 x 3.2 cm / 普通級
◎馬修.珀爾是純文學小說中一顆耀眼的新星──一個引人入迷、別出心裁、天才橫溢的作者。其曲折的情節、古典的主題、博學的人物……叫人如何能夠釋手? ──丹.布朗,《達文西密碼》作者
◎《但丁俱樂部》是部布局周密、體裁新穎、風格信實、格調與智慧皆非同凡響的懸疑小說。……筆帶感情,敘事緊湊。 ──《波士頓地球報》
◎(一部)嶄新獨創的文學推理小說……淵博的學識爍爍可見。 ──《紐約時報》
◎《但丁俱樂部》這部初試啼聲的小說成就斐然。馬修.珀爾以奇妙的手法喚回那個時期,並以刻畫細緻的人物與別出心裁的故事,使之栩栩如在眼前。──David Liss,《A Conspiracy of Paper》艾德格獎得獎作者
◎一個迷人、博學而極富娛樂性的故事,敘述美國文學史上的重要一刻。 ──Iain Pears,《An Instance of the Fingerpost》作者
◎馬修.珀爾在《但丁俱樂部》中,以精湛的手法,結合了嬉鬧的娛樂與關於內戰時期美國的嚴肅透視。本書既富趣味又具智慧,立意大膽,令人欽羨。──Darin Strauss,《Chang & Eng》與《The Real McCoy》作者
◎這部卓越的驚悚小說,為「驚悚」一詞所真正適用的風格注入了鮮活的生命。馬修.珀爾不但成功鋪設出一套靈巧而優雅的情節,也對我們這個時代成功傳達了一個流暢而詭譎的訊息,提示出文學英雄的價值。我們在《但丁俱樂部》中,有幸遇見了一個最不可思議的偵探四重奏。 ──Gregory Maguire,《Wicked》與《Lost》作者
◎《但丁俱樂部》對讀者而言是個純粹的享受,博聞多識而不至於沉悶枯澀,引人入勝卻非僅是聳人聽聞。個人特別喜愛它舒適合度、輕搖慢擺的步調。是本值得咀嚼回味的書。 ──Peter Straub,《Black House》合作者
馬修.珀爾(Matthew Pearl)於1997年以最高榮譽(summa cum laude)畢業於哈佛大學英美文學系,2000年畢業於耶魯大學法學院。他因學術成績卓著,曾於1998年獲「美國但丁學會」(Dante Society of America)頒贈「但丁獎」(Dante Prize)之殊榮,著有The Dante Club《但丁俱樂部》、The Poe Shadow《愛倫坡暗影》。他生長於勞德岱堡(Fort Lauderdale),現居劍橋。可由他的網站與他聯絡。
Words Can Bleed.
In 1865 Boston, the members of the Dante Club - poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell, along with publisher J.T. Fields - are finishing America's first translation of The Divine Comedy and preparing to unveil Dante's remarkable visions to the New World. The powerful Boston Brahmins at Harvard are fighting to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of foreign superstitions onto American bookshelves will prove as corrupting as the immigrants living in Boston Harbor.
As they struggle to keep their sacred literary cause alive, the plans of the Dante Club are put in further jeopardy when a serial killer unleashes his terror on the city. Only the scholars realize that the gruesome murders are modeled on the descriptions from Dante's Inferno and its account of Hell's torturous punishments. With the lives of the Boston elite and Dante's literary future in America at stake, the Dante Club must find the killer before the authorities discover their secret.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and outcast police officer Nicolas Rey, the first black member of the Boston police department, place their careers on the line in their efforts to end the killing spree. Together, they discover that the source of the murders lies closer than they ever could have imagined.
The Dante Club is a magnificent blend of fact and fiction, a brilliantly realized paean to Dante, his mythic genius, and his continued grip on the imagination.