The Ragnarok's legal status has been ambiguous since it shot its way out of Taisheki Station to escape a threat against the lives of its innocent crew. Ship's Inquisitor Andrej Koscuisko hopes
to take advantage of this period of chaos and unrest to see his bond-involuntary Security slaves somehow freed and sent to Gonebeyond space. The personal conflict he is experiencing has
surprised and distressed him, and yet he cannot afford to let his private agonies interfere with his purpose. But an incident that happened years ago in a dark cold street in Port Rudistal -
the site of the Domitt Prison - has bound Koscuisko to a man who, all unknowingly, holds the key to a murder that's changed the course of history. More alone than he has ever been in his life,
Andrej must face the deadliest threat he has ever encountered - the unknown enemy who murdered the First Secretary at Chilleau Judiciary, and set all of Jurisdiction Space into anarchy and