As sweet as a love note, as welcome as a holiday, as easy as pie.
Take simple squares of cloth, succinctly written directions, and clearly photographed steps and create fantastic napkin folds that transform your table into a showpiece.
Mixing whimsy and elegance, celebrity event designer David Stark fashions stylish setups for every occasion. In Napkins with a Twist, Stark turns his unerring eye to the art of the
perfect table setting, focusing on the quick, inexpensive, and creative.
From everyday to evening, children's parties to black-tie affairs, a clever napkin fold turns any gathering into a memorable event. Classic folds such as the Tuexedo Fold, together with Stark's
own innovative designs—including the wildly fun Fortune Cookie and Sushi Roll folds—make setting the table a no-brainer.
Folds from Buckingham Palace and the Kennedy White House, New York's Pierre and Napa Valley's French Laundry, reveal how royalty, the rich and famous, the world's legendary restaurants, all put
just the right touches on their signature starched linens.
Along with its array of napkin folds, Napkins with a Twist spills over with useful tips, how-to lists, etiquette reminders, table settings, and surprising suggestions for how a napkin
fold can become the starting point for designing an entire occasion.